50 research outputs found


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    Perubahan iklim mempengaruhi komunitas dan wilayah di seluruh dunia. Perubahan iklim merupakan akibat dari pemanasan global yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan gas rumah kaca yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia.Sektor terbesar emisi gas rumah kaca adalah industri, transportasi dan rumah tangga. Peningkatan konsentrasi beberapa gas rumah kaca telah menyebabkan peningkatan penyerapan energi matahari dan peningkatan refleksi panas matahari, sehingga meningkatkan suhu di bumi dan memicu perubahan iklim, sehingga secara tidak langsung meningkatkan jumlah air di laut dan menyebabkan kenaikan permukaan laut. Naik karena pemuaian air laut dan pencairan salju. Di kutub utara dan selatan bumi. Satu dampak perubahan iklim mungkin memiliki banyak dampak yang berbeda. Di antara banyak kemungkinan dampak pemanasan global, masalah yang paling sering dibahas adalah terkait dengan kenaikan permukaan laut. Pengukuran tinggi muka air laut ini dengan berkembangnya teknologi, pengukuran tinggi muka air laut dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan citra satelit SPOT 5 untuk merekam perubahan muka air laut secara berkala dan kemudian menyajikannya dalam bentuk citra dengan tujuan untuk membuat scenario kenaikan tinggi muka air laut pada rentang kenaikan 0-50 m dan dampaknya terhadap scenario kenaikan tersebut terhadap area permukiman dan perkebunan. Untuk mengembangkan model kenaikan tinggi muka air laut di wilayah timur Pulau Bintan yaitu Kecamatan Gunung Kijang maka diperlukan data GDEM SPOT, yang berisikan informasi ketinggian dan karakteristik topografi, dalam hal ini data ketinggian adalah dalam kedetilan yang cukup tinggi. Data GDEM SPOT akan diolah dengan menggunakan teknologi SIG berbasis raster. Berdasarkan pemodelan ketinggian air laut yang sudah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa pada kenaikan tertinggi scenario 50 meter luas lahan yang bakal terdampak terhadap kenaikan tinggi muka air laut di Kecamatan Gunung Kijang yaitu daerah pemukiman seluas 261,880 ha & daerah perkebunan seluas 965,815 ha. Semakin tinggi muka air laut, maka semakin luas daerah yang terkena dampak kenaikan tinggi muka air lau

    Kesan lilin ke atas sifat hidrofobik permukaan daun pisang

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    Pengekstrakan lilin dilakukan ke atas dua jenis daun pisang iaitu Musa parasidiaca L. (pisang berangan) dan Musa acuminata Colla (pisang lemak manis) dengan merendamkan daun pisang ke dalam larutan kloroform bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti sifat-sifat hidrofobik dan pembersihan kendiri. Larutan hasil dikeringkan dan diikuti dengan proses penghabluran. Mikroskop imbasan elektron pancaran medan (FESEM) digunakan untuk melihat profil morfologi kedua-dua jenis sampel lilin dan elemen kimia yang diperoleh adalah karbon dan silikon melalui serakan x-ray (EDX). Takat lebur lilin Musa parasidiaca L. dan Musa acuminata Colla adalah 80.2oC dan 82.9oC manakala sudut sentuhan air pada permukaan lilin Musa parasidiaca L. dan Musa acuminata Colla adalah 137.3o dan 132.8o. Sudut sentuhan bagi kedua-dua sampel lilin melebihi 90o menunjukkan daun pisang adalah bersifat hidrofobik yang mana Musa parasidiaca L. menunjukkan nilai sudut sentuhan yang lebih tinggi dan sesuai untuk aplikasi biomimetik. Pencirian yang terdapat pada lilin daun pisang boleh diaplikasikan di dalam industri salutan permukaan dan tekstil

    A Scoping Review on Kindness in the Work Environment

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    The paper aims to provide new, theoretical insights on kindness at work to counter bullying on the job. Studies have shown that a range of kindness acts and activities will boost happiness and job satisfaction at work and spillover to the home. Based on the research objectives, the findings identified elements of kindness and unkindness and the built environment's effects on work happiness. The scoping review method and PRISMA analysis revealed that kindness in the work environment depends on the organizational culture, leadership, and organization size. Organizational leaders' exemplary behavior sets the kindness culture towards kindness and happiness at work. The study limitation was the timeframe. Thus, a survey is recommended for empirical evidence to support the theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Keywords: Kindness; Civility; Bullying; Built Environment eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA CE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i20.330

    Digital games based language learning for Arabic literacy remedial

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    Digital game play is becoming increasingly prevalent. Its participant-players number in the millions and its revenues are in billions of dollars. As they grow in popularity, digital games are also growing in complexity, depth and sophistication. This paper presents reasons why games and game play matter to the future of education. Drawing upon these works, the potential for instruction in digital games is recognised. Previous works in the area were also analysed with respect to their theoretical findings. Hence, the authors in this study propose some existing Arabic language learning games intended for education of children. The analysis result shows that the majority of Arabic language learning games is limited to alphabet content. The overall presentation lacks of quality in term of graphics, animations, colors, and voice-over

    Pembuatan Plang Denah Lokasi Penentuan Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Berbasis Teknologi Bawah Air untuk Masyarakat Teluk Mata Ikan, Nongsa Batam

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    This community service begins with the understanding that the Geospatial Information Law No. 4 of 2011 mandates that geospatial information must be disseminated and known to the wider community. On the basis of this geospatial information law, community service activities are carried out for coastal communities and small islands regarding the understanding and skills of the Nongsa community, regarding the determination and mapping of fishing areas (MFA), and chlorophyll maps and depth maps, for approaches to Potential locations in the DPI are important so that coastal communities and small islands recognize the potential and spatial problems on Batam Island. This problem will certainly have an impact on the economy of coastal communities, with it being very difficult to determine the location of fishing, which is the main livelihood for the community. This activity includes the development of science and technology to the community, especially in the use of marine technology that can assist in determining fishing areas which will later help and create independence for coastal communities in Mubut Darat in determining fishing spots or areas in the area. The output of this community service program is increasing the understanding and skills of the community in the Nongsa sub-district, Batam regarding the determination and mapping of fishing areas (MFA), providing planks, making maps of fishing areas and developing teaching materials (textbooks) in Batam City. This activity ran smoothly and provided very new knowledge for the people on the island of Batam-Nongsa.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diawali dasar pemahaman bahwa UU informasi geospasial nomor 4 Tahun 2011 mengamanatkan bahwa informasi geospasial wajib disebarkan dan diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Atas dasar UU informasi geospasial ini, sehingga kegiatan  pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan bagi masyarakat pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil mengenai pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat Nongsa, tentang penentuan dan pemetaan daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI), dan peta klorofil serta peta kedalaman, untuk pendekatan terhadap lokasi potensial dalam DPI menjadi penting agar masyarakat pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil mengenal potensi dan permasalahan spasial di Pulau Batam. Permasalahan ini tentunya akan berdampak kepada ekonomi masyarakat pesisir, dengan sangat sulitnya menentukan lokasi penangkapan ikan, yang merupakan mata pencaharian utama oleh masyarakat. Kegiatan ini meliputi pengembangan IPTEk kepada masyarakat terutama dalam pemakaian teknologi kelautan yang dapat membantu dalam menentukan daerah penangkapan ikan yang nantinya membantu serta menciptakan kemandirian masyarakat pesisir di Mubut darat dalam menentukan spot atau daerah penangkapan ikan di wilayah tersebut. Luaran program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat di kecamatan Nongsa, Batam tentang penentuan serta pemetaan daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI), pemberian plank, pembuatan peta pendekatan daerah penangkapan ikan dan pengembangan bahan ajar (buku ajar) di Kota Batam. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan memberikan pengetahuan yang sangat baru untuk masyarakat di pulau Batam- Nongsa

    Digital games based language Learning for Arabic literacy remedial

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    Digital gameplay is becoming increasingly prevalent. Its participant-players number in the millions and its revenues are in billions of dollars. As they grow in popularity, digital games are also growing in complexity, depth and sophistication. This paper presents reasons why games and gameplay matter to the future of education. Drawing upon these works, the potential for instruction in digital games is recognized. Previous works in the area were also analyzed with respect to their theoretical findings. Hence, the authors in this study propose some existing Arabic language learning games intended for education of children. The analysis result shows that the majority of Arabic language learning games are limited to alphabet content. The overall presentation lacks of quality in terms of graphics, animations, colors and voice-over

    Digital games based language learning for Arabic literacy remedial

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    Digital game play is becoming increasingly prevalent. Its participant-players number in the millions and its revenues are in billions of dollars. As they grow in popularity, digital games are also growing in complexity, depth and sophistication. This paper presents reasons why games and gameplay matter to the future of education. Drawing upon these works, the potential for instruction in digital games is recognised. Previous works in the area were also analysed with respect to their theoretical findings. Hence, the authors in this study propose some existing Arabic language learning games intended for education of children. The analysis result shows that the majority of Arabic language learning games is limited to alphabet content. The overall presentation lacks of quality in term of graphics, animations, colors, and voice-over

    The outcome of the seminal fluid parameter collected via coitus interruptus versus mastubation

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    A one year study was carried out to determine the outcome of the seminal fluid parameters collected via masturbation and coitus interruptus in 151 patients who were undergoing intrauterine insermination (IUI) and patients who came for seminal analysis. There were no statistically significant difference in terms of volume, concentration, progressive motility and normal morphology from specimens collected via coitus interruptus compared to specimens collected via masturbation. Pregnancy outcomes were also comparable


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    Game-Based Language Learning (GBLL) has been proven an effective approach tool to improve learning and has become a widely used teaching aid to maintain engagement and motivation in learners. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to identify the framework elements of Game-Based Arabic Language Learning (GBALL) for Dyslexic Children. Although previous research has addressed various guidelines and frameworks for educational tools in Arabic language learning, however, only few studies focus on dyslexic children. The methodology used in this paper is Systematic Literature Review (SLR) by Kitchenham (2004) and Kitchenham and Charters (2007). A selection of relevant research was performed to achieve the research objectives. The selected online open sources databases involved as are primary resources: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, UM Student Repository, Open Access Theses and Dissertation (OATD). Scientific publications and journals, conference proceedings, and technical papers are found in well-known online databases that include a complete citation and reference analysis. Based on a systematic review process, the researchers reported and discussed findings with possible future research directions. A total of 18 studies were selected, which revealed two themes: the multimedia elements of game-based language learning for dyslexic children and the Arabic language learning elements for dyslexic children. The results of this study can be applied as a guideline for educational tools for dyslexic children in Arabic language learning.   Keywords: framework design, elements, guidelines, game-based Arabic language learning for dyslexic children, game-based learning, dyslexia language learning   Cite as: Noor Azli, M. M., 2Ghazali, Z., Einannabella, N., Asrina Suriani, M. Y., Muhammad Sabri, S., & Sarifah Nurhanum, S. S. (2023). A systematic review of elements in game-based Arabic language learning framework for Dyslexic children. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 332-351. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp332-35

    Modelling of groundwater pumping scenarios and their impact on saline water intrusion in a Tripoli coastal aquifer, Libya

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    Tripoli coastal aquifer, Libya, which is located in a densely urbanised area, is the primary source of water supply in Tripoli city. In the last few decades and due to population growth, more than 100 wells have been drilled in Tripoli aquifer for the purpose of increasing pumping to meet demand on groundwater. The urbanisation at the Tripoli upper aquifer system has reduced the recharge rates and affected the groundwater storage. In this study, changes in groundwater dynamics in Tripoli's unconfined aquifers were simulated using MODFLOW-2005 code. The model was calibrated and validated using measured and simulated values. Statistical tests such as coefficient of determination, R2 mean error, mean absolute error, and the root mean square error were computed and found to be 0.97, 0.31, 1.70 and 2.32 respectively. The simulation will assist in the assessment of the long term saline water intrusion. Calibrated transient groundwater flow models for the years 2020 – 2100 indicated that this case is likely to occur along pumping profiles with high pumping rates. Simulation results show that the groundwater levels will decline and exceed 12 m in the Southern area while in the Northern area near the coastal line, depletion is continuous and more than 70 wells will face saline water intrusion by the year 2100. Doubling the pumping rate from the wells will accelerate the drop in the groundwater levels and about 98% of the wells will be subjected to high salinity level by 2100. The salinity levels in these wells will make the groundwater unfit for human consumption